History of the brigade
In order to modernize the approaches to the significance of the anniversaries of the establishment of military units of the National Guard of Ukraine, Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine No. 847 of October 9, 2019 “On Approval of the List of Dates for Celebrating the Days of Military Command Bodies, Operational and Territorial Associations, Formations, Military Units, Higher Military Educational Institutions, Training Military Units (Centers), Bases, Health Care Facilities, and Institutions of the National Guard of Ukraine” established a new date for the establishment of the unit – July 1, 1992.
The 5th Slobozhanska brigade “SKIF” is a part of the Eastern Kharkiv Operational and Territorial Association of the National Guard of Ukraine of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The main tasks of the military unit are to protect and defend the lives, rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens, society and the state from criminal and other unlawful attacks, protect public order and ensure public safety, protect and defend critical infrastructure facilities, important state facilities, protect public authorities, escort persons taken into custody and/or sentenced to imprisonment, protect them in the courtroom and during their extradition, as well as in cooperation with other components of the security and defense sector to ensure the protection of the public safety and security of the state.

Since February 24, 2022, the 5th Slobozhanskaya brigade “SKIF” has continued to perform all its tasks. Currently, the brigade’s personnel, consisting of battalion groups/a battalion group, company groups/a company group and an assault unit, are performing combat missionsin Donetsk and Kharkiv regions.
The 5th Slobozhanska brigade “SKIF” was one of the units that kept the enemy out of Kharkiv at the cost of the lives of their brothers-in-arms and friends. The invaders only tried to enter the city and were burned to the ground and pushed back for kilometers. Kharkiv suffered from shelling, which the invaders conducted from a safe distance. They used everything they had — tanks, mortars, and grenades — to attack us. But the enemy was thrown back!

Now the city is suffering from a new attack – CABs (controlled aerial bombs). But we will come up with a countermeasure for the bombs as well, there is no doubt about it!
The 5th Slobozhanska brigade “SKIF” has been holding the line in the Kharkiv, Donetsk and Luhansk sectors since the beginning of the large-scale war. We have been losing our brothers-in-arms — and this is an incurable pain for everyone who is alive and continues to defend the freedom of Ukraine. New guardsmen are replacing our fallen brothers-in-arms — we are proud that the vast majority of them are volunteers.
Over the years, the Slobozhansky guards have been recognized for their bravery and valiant service to Ukraine with many state and departmental awards:
– The Order of Danylo Halytskyi – 4 brothers-in-arms;;
– The Order of Bohdan Khmelnytsky, III class – 15
– The Order ‘For courage of the second class – 4 brothers-in-arms;
– The Order for Courage, III class – 141
– Medal ‘For Defence of Ukraine’ – 280
– Medal ‘For Military Service to Ukraine’ – 131
– Medal ‘For Saved Life’ – 9
– Medal ‘Defender of the Fatherland’ – 12
– The MIA badge ‘For Excellence in Service’ was awarded to 8 brothers-in-arms;
– The MIA badge ‘For Valour in Service’ was awarded to 18
– The badge of the National Guard of Ukraine ‘For Valiant Service’ was awarded to 736 of our brothers-in-arms;
– The National Guard of Ukraine badge ‘For Courage’ was awarded to 14 of our brothers-in-arms;
– Medal of the National Guard of Ukraine ‘For Steadfastness and Invincibility’ – 21 brothers-in-arms;
– Medal of the National Guard of Ukraine ‘For Valour’ – 10
– The National Guard of Ukraine medal ‘For Valour’ – 14
– the commemorative medal ‘For the Defence of the Heroic City of Kharkiv’ – 246 brothers-in-arms.

The National Guard of Ukraine and the 5th Slobozhanska brigade “SKIF” are doing everything possible and impossible for the Victory.
People do not come to us under duress. They serve and defend Ukraine at the call of their hearts!
“Brave in heart, unbreakable in spirit!” is the slogan of the 5th Slobozhanska brigade ‘SKIF’ as a single friendly team and each of us individually!